Saturday, April 01, 2006

The ride after the storm

Had a terrific ride today. I was moving pretty quick, and the ride was fairly eventful. I saw a chain gang type thing (a sheriff with a bunch of big guys in orange jump suits with those trash picker-upper type devices). I'm sure they were amused to see the skinny kid in tights wiz by. I rode around a traffic circle, which was pretty fun -- felt very European. It made me start thinking about cycling through the European countryside, maybe near the Rhein, through vineyards with castles overlooking from their hilltops. It would be simply incredible.

On the drive home tonight, I saw a fox. Don't see them very often -- very shy animals -- so it was neat to catch a glimpse of one, if only for a moment.

I have discovered that one trait ubiqitously sought after by all women: confidence.

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