On my way to work, I drive along a creek, and at this one bend I can see a log in the creek directly in front of me. All week I have seen at least 1 turtle on this log. Today there were at least 3, one bigger one with two smaller ones behind it. I don't even really like turtles in particular all that much, but this made me happy. These little turtles, chilling on this log, made me smile each morning during my commute. I guess I just love nature and love the simple things in life.
Yesterday, I was running up the final hill before I reach the gym when I saw this blinking light in front of me, which I soon realized was attached to a bicyle. And then I realized I was gaining on the bicycle. By the time I crested the hill, I had actually passed the bicycle. Granted I sped up a little when I realized I was narrowing the gap, but still, I was pretty stoked I caught a bike running (not that this says much for the person motoring said bike).
Then tonight something uber cool happened, which I had really hoped would happen for some time. As I ran around this field back behind the gym to finish my run, I noticed a plane was coming overhead. I quickly ran out into the field and watched this little prop fly right over my head and skim the apartments before disappearing behind them and landing on the runway on the other side of the road. It was so cool to watch it fly over my head, probably just a hundred feet or so up. It wasn't nearly as loud as a I thought it would be, and you could really see the plane pitching around as the wind blew it and the pilot made last minute adjustments. I'd love to just sit on my back in a field and watch planes land - just like in the movies. This little private airport isn't too ideal for that sort of thing because of the limited traffic, but tonight was pretty sweet.
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