Friday, December 04, 2009

Number 28

I turn 28 in about 30 minutes. Well, technically I was born at 12:05 PM, but I guess we usually celebrate the date, not the time. I've realized that I'm a little disappointed I'm turning 28. But not in any really important way. Prepare yourself - I'm a bit sad to be turning 28 because 27 is such a cool number from a math perspective. I mean, it's a cube after all! Do you realize that I won't be a cube again until I turn 64?! And that will be my last one, unless they somehow figure out how to dramatically extend our lives. Farewell, 27. You've been an interesting year full of change. 2 more years till the big 3-0!

1 comment:

psychlist said...

I personally think that 32 (2^5) is a much cooler age, as is 81 (3^4), though I think 81 is still outside the life expectancy for a US male. There are definitely many more squares to come.

Being a fan of prime numbers, there are many more to come: 29, 31, 37, etc.

And, finally, you have a Fibonnaci number (34) looming in the not-so-distant future!