Monday, November 30, 2009

The gift of space

I read this passage in Surprised by Joy at my neighborhood bar, Ten Stone, tonight and thought it was pretty fantastic. Almost as fantastic as the blond brownie with vanilla ice cream I had there.

The truest and most horrible claim made for modern transport is that it "annihilates space." It does. It annihilates one of the most glorious gifts we have been given. It is a vile inflation which lowers the value of distance, so that a modern boy travels a hundred miles with less sense of liberation and pilgrimage and adventure than his grandfather got from traveling ten. Of course if a man hates space and wants it to be annihilated, that is another matter. Why not creep into his coffin at once? There is little enough space there.
Makes me want to sell my car and buy another bike. But then, I have "enough" bikes, and sometimes it's nice to shorten distances, especially to visit family and friends.

Now playing: Coldplay - Amsterdam
via FoxyTunes

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