Monday, January 05, 2009

Man's best (morning) friend

I am not an early morning person. I really wish I were, but it takes me a little time to come out of the stupor and haze I find myself in immediately after waking up. Showers help, but it still takes me around an hour to become my normal perky and happy self. I actually enjoy the rest of the morning, once I finally find my whits.

But dogs, on the other hand, really love the early morning. And it's very refreshing. When I was visiting my uncle over Thanksgiving, I got to hang out with his 2 beautiful and affectionate yellow labs. They are two of the sweetest canines I have ever known. Every morning, when I would stumble downstairs in my early morning confusion (I was, quite contrary to normal vacation behavior, one of the, if not the first person to wake up every day), they would be the first to greet me. And it was always the most enthusiastic and friendliest greeting, as if I were an age-old companion they had not seen in many years. It was incredibly heart-warming, even in my half-awake and grumpy state, to be met with such unsolicited and energetic friendliness.

A couple times, when I took a nap in the afternoon, upon returning to the family area, they would actually start barking and jumping in glee that I had returned. It felt good to be missed so, after only an hour, even if it was just a couple of dumb labs. I love dogs, and one of these days, when I get my life sorted out, I am going to get one of my own!

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