I woke up this Sunday morning rather early for me - 8 AM - to a surprisingly sunny and blue sky. I was surprised, because I thought for sure today was going to be rainy. Checking the forecast, I learned soon it would be a dreary, rainy day, and so I decided, despite my fatigue from a hilly 5o miler on the bike the previous day, that I would go running before the showers set in. I had, after all, been a bit neglectful of my running shoes the past couple of weeks since the Broad Street Run (where I ran an unexpectedly quick 1:06.29 - 10 miles at a 6:39 pace). Anyways, my run was from home, so necessarily hilly, and I found my legs quickly filling with lactic acid and feeling quite heavy.
When I finally got home, I was starving, but only had enough milk for one bowl of cereal (not enough food at all!), before I rushed off to church. After church I was pretty deliriously hungry, so I set off for the Princetonian Diner, where I knew I could get some quality breakfast fare with good sized proportions. I wanted company, but in the end I guess I turned out ok, because being just 1, I was able to get a seat at the counter without having to wait with the rest of the crowd. The guy next to me mumbled something about not being able to think straight because he hadn't eaten anything today and had gone on a 15 mile bike ride. I mumbled back in agreement, because I was fairly knackered myself after yesterday's ride and my hilly 7 miler a few hours before, and only had one thought on my mind: the Desperado (two fried eggs on top of a skillet full of sliced potatoes, peppers, spicy sausage, cheese, and salsa).
And the meal was extremely satisfying, but my favorite part of brunch had nothing to do with the food. My waitress walked up to me while I was single-mindedly shoveling my brunch away, and asked, "are you an actor? People keep asking me, and they are calling me on the phone." Or something like that - I'm not really sure what she was talking about. Maybe I should have pretended to be someone famous, but I'm not sure I'd play the part well, so I unfortunately had to dispel her hopes and tell her I was no such thing. The guy next to me said I could have at least gotten a free meal out of it. But honestly, having someone mistake me as an actor, however wrong they may have been (I never found out who they thought I might be), was satisfying enough. I guess if I ever decide I want to go the 55 year old diner waitress route, I'll be fairly successful. Not sure how well that translates to the ladies I tend to like, though.
In other news, I have begun reading Pride and Prejudice again. I told myself I was going to read some nonfiction after Anna Karenina, but I find myself compelled to re-read P&P. I'm afraid it's not a good sign, but I should be able to breeze through it fairly quickly, I hope.
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
Come down from your fences, open the gate
It may be rainin, but there's a rainbow above you
You better let somebody love you, before its too late